For the past five to six months, Priyanka Chopra and Nick Jonas have become the cynosure of reports. Post announcing their engagement in August, the celebrity couple is quite often questioned about their impending wedding. While they and their families continue to remain mum, sources have apparently stated in reports that the couple is planning a November wedding and that too in the picturesque Rajasthan.
Well, the speculations started off when Priyanka Chopra and Nick Jonas were recently together in India and visited Rajasthan. It was being rumoured that the couple was scouting locations for their impending destination wedding. Now reports have it that the celebrity couple has decided that their wedding in royal Indian style will be held in Umaid Bhawan in Jodhpur.
The sources have apparently also mentioned that despite the immense popularity of the duo, the wedding of this Hollywood-Bollywood couple will be strictly a private affair. With only family and close friends from India and New York making it to the wedding, the guest list is expected to be not more than 200 guests. Another interesting aspect that the sources are said to have revealed in reports are the details of the bridal shower.
Apparently the same will be held in New York with PC’s girl gang out there and the actress is said to be quite excited about the same. It is being that Priyanka Chopra is also super thrilled to tie the knot in quintessential Indian style in her home country.
Right after her engagement, when Madhu Chopra was asked how her daughter would get married, the doting mother had said that Priyanka is quite traditional and she would like to tie the knot in a traditional ceremony with all the rituals. She had mentioned that the actress is quite rooted to her culture and would prefer the wedding in Indian style. And the location chosen by them only adds to the traditional backdrop that the couple has been dreaming of!
Besides this power couple, another popular couple who are expected to tie the knot in November are Deepika Padukone and Ranveer Singh. The two of them are expected to hold a private yet lavish wedding ceremony in Italy.