About 20 days ago, Tanushree Dutta created uproar in the Bollywood fraternity when she reopened a can of worms from 2008. The actress alleged that she was sexually harassed by veteran actor Nana Patekar on the sets of Horn Ok Pleasss, a decade ago, when he manhandled her and also asked the director to incorporate intimate dance steps with the actress. Her revelation in interviews, not surprisingly, created an outrage and rekindled the infamous #Metoo movement in Bollywood. Followed by the immense outcry over the issue, Nana Patekar has decided to back out from Housefull 4.
While Tanushree Dutta was making the said allegations, Nana Patekar had taken off to Rajasthan to shoot Housefull 4. Followed by Dutta’s explosive interviews, Nana was expected to hold a press conference to respond to her allegations, which was cancelled by the actor. Now, we hear that the veteran actor has decided to bow down from the Akshay Kumar starrer as he believes it is convenient for everyone.
Mandana Karimi graces a press conference on #MeTooTanushree Dutta spotted at Oshiwara police stationNana Patekar attends a press meetVinta Nanda addresses her allegation against Alok Nath at a press conferenceNana Patekar snapped interacting with the media
In recent reports, the actor’s statement read that he would be bowing down from Housefull 4 because he feels that it would be the appropriate thing to do at this point of time. The statement also claimed that he wishes the best for the producer and crew of the film.
In an exclusive interview with Bollywood Hungama, Tanushree Dutta had lashed out at Nana Patekar. She had said that while action is being taken on others who had sexual harassment allegations against them, she had questioned as to why Nana Patekar was still officially a part of Housefull 4. The actress had gone on to say, “Only when action is taken against such people, will I feel safe working in Bollywood.”
Besides Nana Patekar, a day ago, Sajid Khan backed out of directing Housefull 4, after similar sexual harassment claims were made against the filmmaker.