The team of Salman Khan’s upcoming movie Bharat wrapped up the film’s Abu Dhabi schedule yesterday (15 October). Director Ali Abbas Zafar shared the news on his official Twitter page. He and the actor had also shot an important part of their last film Tiger Zinda Hai (2017) in Abu Dhabi.
“Wrap on Abu Dhabi schedule of @Bharat_TheFilm ..... its Been a absolute pleasure shooting here again after @TigerZindaHai, thank you UAE government and @2454abudhabi for all the support and love ...till next time (sic),” he said.
Wrap on Abu Dhabi schedule of @Bharat_TheFilm ..... its Been a absolute pleasure shooting here again after @TigerZindaHai , thank you UAE government and @2454abudhabi for all the support and love ...till next time 📽🎥— ali abbas zafar (@aliabbaszafar) October 15, 2018
The director also shared a picture of a scene from the film that has a group of soldiers in red uniforms going on a mission.
The film's shoot began earlier in Mumbai with a grand circus set up where a song, choreographed by Vaibhavi Merchant, was shot.
Bharat is inspired by the Korean film Ode To My Father (2014) and will tell the story of India spanning 60 years through the eyes of Khan’s character. As per an official statement from the makers, a crucial portion of the film will see the actor in his late 20s. In fact, they also said that Khan will be seen in his Karan Arjun (1996) look in the film.
The film also stars Katrina Kaif, Sunil Grover and Disha Patani. Bharat will be release on 5 June 2019, on the ocassion of Eid.