A report in Mumbai Mirror, a tabloid, quoted a source saying, "Ayushmann was so impressed with the script that he gave his nod to the film soon after the narration."
The film is expected to be a quirky comedy, along the same lines as Khurrana's recent works. The actor was last seen in Sriram Raghavan's Andhadhun, and is awaiting the release of Badhaai Ho on 18 October.
The film will also mark the directorial debut of Raaj Shaandilyaa, who was the writer of films like Welcome Back (2015) and more recently, the Sanjay Dutt starrer, Bhoomi (2017).
This will be the first project together for Khurrana and Bharucha. The actress, meanwhile, has also signed Hansal Mehta's next comedy, with Rajkummar Rao in the lead.