Yash Raj Films' vice-president for brand partnership and talent management, Ashish Patil, has been removed from his position in the production house. Patil had been accused of sexual harassment by Japleen Pasricha, founder of Feminism In India, a digital intersectional feminist media organisation, and another anonymous woman. The ouster comes days after Yash Raj Films stated that Patil had been sent on 'administrative leave' pending the complaints.
In a statement shared on social media, Yash Raj Films informed that they had 'terminated the services' of Patil, from the position of vice-president, brand partnership and talent management, as well as creative head, Y-Films.
— Yash Raj Films (@yrf) October 16, 2018
After Pasricha shared an anonymous complaint on her Twitter page, the production house had immediately begun inquiry by referring the complaint to their Internal complaints committee.
#MeToo Sharing an anonymous survivor account of a former model and former aspiring actress who has spoken against @patilashish of YashRaj Films of sexually exploiting her. Screenshots are with her consent. #TimesUp pic.twitter.com/jMe7Yzx5hB— Japleen Pasricha (@japna_p) October 10, 2018
On Monday, the production house confirmed that Patil had been sent out on 'administrative leave' till 'YRF [Yash Raj Films] thoroughly investigates the allegations levelled on him.'
After Sajid Khan, Subhash Kapoor and Vikas Bahl, Patil is the latest prominent name in the industry being asked to step down in view of accusations.