As women are telling their sexual harassment stories all around India, the #MeToo movement has brought many shocking stories in the limelight. The movement has reached the Indian film industry where many names have been named and shamed. Just recently, singer Shweta Pandit called out music composer Anu Malik for asking her for a kiss when she was merely 15 years old. Describing the incident on Twitter, Shweta wrote, “He was recording a group song with Sunidhi and Shaan for the film ‘Awara Pagal Deewana’, when my mother and I walked in the monitor room. He told me to wait in the small cabin inside where singers sang at Empire studio. It was just him and me there. I sang it well so he said, ‘I’ll give you this song with Sunidhi and Shaan but first give me a kiss now’. He then smiled, what I’d recall the most evil grin I’ve seen. I went numb and pale in the face. I was only 15 years old then, still in school”.
Now, lyricist Sameer Anjaan, who has known Anu Malik for years, has come out in support of him. “Today after reading the post of Shweta Pandit. I am writing this post as I remember vividly because I was there in the recording studio as Anu Malik and Me where working on Awara Pagal Dewaana music in 2001 at Empire Studios. I agree that Shweta had come along with her mother for voice test. And during that time we were working on the song so Anu requested Shweta and her mom to sit in recording hall. After working on song Anu called her “Beta aap kuch ganna suna chahte ho toh suno”. Shweta requested that if she can sing in some other room but Anuji said that I want Sameerji to also hear your voice. After hearing her voice Anuji said “You have a good voice and I will definitely let you know for future projects” after that they left. This is really shocking and sad that today people can pass any comment without any proof.”
Anu Malik’s legal representative has released his statement and denied all the allegations. The statement reads, “The allegations made against my client are emphatically denied as completely false and baseless. My client respects the #metoo movement but to use this movement to start a character assassination mission is obnoxious.”