The allegations of sexual harassment against actor Nana Patekar and director Vikas Bahl have shaken the nation. And many women are coming out to share their #MeToo stories on their social media handles. Amid all the uproar, an old video of Salman Khan talking about hitting Aishwarya Rai Bachchan is going viral on the social media and it's every bit shocking. In the video, Salman can be seen talking to the journalist of NDTV and his reaction on hitting a woman (Aishwarya Rai) might leave you shell shocked!
Watch Salman Khan's ridiculous answer when a journo asked if he had hit Aishwarya Rai— Od (@odshek) May 25, 2017
Salman Reacts To Hitting Aishwarya In This Old Video
When the interviewer asked Salman Khan if he had hit a woman, hinting at Aishwarya Rai, Salman Khan can be heard saying in the video, " Yeah, now that woman has said that I have. I mean there was a journalist Prabhu Chawla who asked me this long time ago, so I just banged the table he got startled, the table really broke."
He further added, "I mean, if I hit somebody, it's obviously a fight, I am going to be angry. I am going to whack and give it my best shot. I don't think she would've survived it."
While speaking to TOI, Aishwarya had revealed, "After we broke up, he (Salman) would call me and talk rubbish. He also suspected me of having affairs with my co-stars. I was linked up with everyone, from Abhishek Bachchan to Shahrukh Khan."
There were times when Salman got physical with me, luckily without leaving any marks. And, I would go to work as if nothing had happened. Salman hounded me and caused physical injuries to himself when I refused to take his calls."
"I stood by him enduring his alcoholic misbehaviour in its worst phases and in turn I was at the receiving end of his abuse (verbal, physical and emotional), infidelity and indignity. That is why like any other self-respecting woman I ended my relationship with him."
Just like Aishwarya, Salman also didn't shy away from admitting the fact that they did fight and he was quoted as saying, "I have a relationship with Aishwarya. If you do not fight in a relationship, it means you do not love each other."
He had also asserted, "Why would I squabble with a person who is a stranger to me? Such things happen between us only because we love each other. Now, even the police have barred me from entering that building (Aishwarya's apartment)."