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Pop singer Britney Spears is not going to work, says her longtime manager

Pop singer ~Britney Spears is not going to work until her mental health improves says her longtime manager Larry Rudolph telling TMZ that her medications have “stopped working.”

Spears cancelled a residency in Las Vegas in January and later checked into a mental health facility. She is now out of the facility but embroiled in a battle over her financial conservatorship and concerns over her father’s health.

Rudolph told TMZ that he doesn’t “want her to work again ’till she’s ready physically mentally and passionately. If that time never comes again it will never come again. I have no desire or ability to make her work again. I am only here for her when she wants to work. And if she ever does want to work again I’m here to tell her if it’s a good idea or a bad idea.”

Stress over her father’s extended illness has exacerbated Spears problems. Rudolph called it the “perfect storm” and said that he “had to pull her show because her meds stopped working.” Spears’ new Las Vegas show “Britney: Domination” was paused in January.

Rudolph said that there are no plans to resume the show at this time. “From what I have gathered it’s clear to me she should not be going back to do this Vegas residency not in the near future and possibly never again.”

Earlier this month a judge in Los Angeles ordered an expert evaluation on Spears’ conservatorship which has been run by her father.

Los Angeles Superior Court Judge Brenda Penny said the expert evaluation would determine the mental health and competence of an unspecified party.
The conservatorship was established in 2008 a time when Spears was struggling with strange behavior much of it in public.